Magigram Vol 1-12 by Aldo Colombini
MAGIGRAM magazine ran from 1966 to 1995. It was printed by SUPREME MAGIC CO. and edited with superb ability by Ken de Courcy. The collaborators were the best ever, just to name a few: Ken de Courcy, Edwin, Ian Adair, Peter Warlock, Max Maven, Lewis Ganson, Maurice Fogel, Arthur Carter, George Blake, David Britland, Pavel, George Johnstone, Billy McComb and a certain Aldo Colombini (I had a column for over 20 years on card magic written by Lewis Ganson).

Vol 1:


CARD LOCATION (Mark Weston): A spectator selects a card. The deck is dealt in three packets. A spectator selects a packet and on top of it, the selected card appears!

THIMBLE THRU (Ken de Courcy): A thimble, isolated on the end of a pen and covered with a handkerchief, penetrates the handkerchief and comes into view!

ROPE AND RINGS (Allan Lambie): A nice effect using a piece of rope and two rings!

ROPE PREFIX (Ken de Courcy): A beautiful knot sequence to perform before or after any rope routine!

THREE AND A BIT (Bill Shewan): This is a different and effective version of the well known Three-and-a-half of Clubs!

IT'S IN THE BAG (Arthur Setterington): A deck is cut into four packets. A spectator picks one and from it he selects a card. The cards are shuffled and placed into a plastic bag. You remove the selected card from the bag!

TWO-WAY TWIST (Tony Griffith): A spectator deals the cards until he is left with one. The selection is done in a very fair manner. The card was predicted by you!

BOUNCE (Arthur Setterington): A great effect for stage or parlor. A card is selected and lost in the deck. The deck is scattered all over the floor (or table). A big ball is thrown onto the cards and it bounces with the selected card adhering to it!

IN THE GLASS APPEARANCE (Ian Adair): A card is selected and lost in the deck. The deck is placed into a glass. When the cards are poured from the glass, only one remains in the glass: The selected card!

THUMBS UP! (Ian Adair): The thumb of the performer penetrates a borrowed handkerchief with some laughter along the way!
Vol 2:

CABARET ROPE ROUTINE (Val Andrews): A complete act! 1. You stretch a piece of rope. 2. Throw a knot at the rope. 3. The knot is moved to the center of the rope and then it is pulled off the rope. 4. The rope is cut and restored. 5. The rope is cut and restored again. 6. You tie a loop in the rope and throw the scissors into it so that they hang from the loop!

SIMPLICITY CARD IN WALLET (Mark Weston): As in the standard Card-in-Wallet. The name says it all. No palming!

THE CARDICATOR (Frederica): An unusual, baffling way to reveal a selected card, using a locket on a chain!

EASY ACES (Paul Marcus): Three cards are dealt on each Ace. After cutting the cards, the Aces are found just by spelling their names, with a surprise for the last one!

THE AUTOGRAPHED CARD MYSTERY (Lu Brent): A spectator signs the back of a card, you sign the face of another card and the signatures appear on the same card!

TWO THOUGHTS IN LINE (Floyd Shotts): A revelation of a selected card and a surprising prediction!

JUST SO FAR DOWN THE MINE (Floyd Shotts): A selected card is found face up at a position chosen by the spectator!

ACES UP (Arthur Carter): A very bold routine. A spectator himself cuts to the four Aces!

NO PREPARATION OIL AND WATER (Ian Adair): An impromptu version of the classic theme using ten cards chosen by a spectator!

LOOP LA LA (Tommy Talbot): Two colored cord loops are shown one red and one yellow. One is folded in half and over this is threaded the other loop. Surprisingly the loops change places!

Vol 3:

DOMINATING DICE (Paul Marcus): A spectator thinks of a number and the card that falls at that number is taken. Using three dice, the spectator finds the selected card!

STUCK (Joe Riding): A close up comedy coin routine with a very entertaining climax!

DIS-COLOR (Ravelle and Andrée): Two discs of different colors are placed inside two envelopes and they change places. Everything can be examined!

S.P.E.L.L.I.T (Francis Haxton): A card is selected and lost. You reveal three cards but none of them is the chosen one. You use one of these three cards, to get to the selected one!

QUAD CARDS (Adi Kaufman): You show four Queens and place them backs to the audience into four glasses. When the glasses are turned around the cards are now all blank!

BAMBOO-SPLIT SIDEWAYS (Ken de Courcy): A great paddle trick using coins with a disarming climax!

THE NEWCASTLE CARD TRICK (Arthur Setterington): After several attempts to find the selected card, it appears was not supposed to be!

NUMBERED (Joe Riding): An impromptu routine with a regular deck of cards. A selected card is revealed in a puzzling way!

IT'S IN THE BAG (Arthur Carter): A great routine for kid entertainers. Lots of fun and audience participation with a bag, colored wands and a few silks!

YOU CAN'T DO AS I DO (G.W. Eastick): A very easy and entertaining way to do the classic trick You Do As I Do effect!
Vol 4:

A spectator gives you a coin and four cards are selected from a deck. These cards reveal the date of the borrowed coin!

COLOR WAVES (Arthur Carter):
A great mental routine where you divine two selected colors!

ROPED RING (Lewis Ganson):
A ring penetrates the rope!

RING-OFF (Rink):
Same as above, a ring penetrates the rope and it becomes free!

COLOR IN MIND (Ken de Courcy):
You show three paddles of different colors. A spectator selects a paddle and you prove you predicted the selected color!

BALL IN THE MIDDLE (Ian Adair): A rather unusual close-up mystery with a transparent and a rubber ball, where the rubber ball ends up INSIDE the other ball!

BEWILDERING BALLS (Ravelle and Andreé):
Three red balls are placed into a bag and three differently colored balls (say green, yellow and blue) are placed into another bag. The balls change places. Great for stage!

HEAT TRANSFER (Graham Reed):
A thimble is placed into your left hand. The right hand takes a lighter and heats the left hand. When this hand is opened, the thimble is seen to have ...kind of melted!

An impromptu card routine with a regular deck of cards. You know in advance the selected card!

A ring is tied on a rope without the ends of the rope being released!
Vol 5:
LASSOED (Les Woodcock):
Three cards are selected. A piece of ribbon is placed into a bag with the deck. The ribbon is removed and now it has lassoed the three selected cards!

THREE-WAY OPENING (Arthur Carter):
Three big cards are shown with different geometric designs. A spectator picks one (free selection) and you show you have predicted it!

THE FOUR ACES (Mark Weston):
An Ace assembly where three cards are placed onto each Ace and the Aces disappear and reappear in one packet!

THE CERTAINTY (Ravelle and Andree):
You guess the name of a freely selected card!

PUT AND TAKE (Lewis Ganson): A trick with colored chips concerning a robbery of six gems three in each hand, yet on opening the hands, all six are found in one hand!

Joe's version of the classic Dai Vernon trick from Stars of Magic!

A routine in three phases from a borrowed deck of cards!

PASTEBOARD PENETRATION (Francis Haxton): A selected card placed under a magazine vanishes and reappears in the middle of the deck!

FISH-OUT (Ken de Courcy): You 'fish' a card from the deck inside the card case using a piece of rope!

FIND THE ACE OF CLUBS (Rink): A Three-card monte routine using just three Aces. Can be done with jumbo cards!
Vol 6:

MATCHED SPELLOUT (Ken de Courcy): A card is selected (say the Ace of Hearts) and spelled. In the process four packets are dealt and the four Aces appear. Can be done in any language. Strong routine!

JOKERS ALL (Ravelle and Andreé): You show three jumbo sized Jokers. A spectator picks a card from a deck and one of the Jokers is selected. This changes into a duplicate of the selected card!

SPOTTED (Ravelle and Andreé): A card is freely selected among six jumbo cards. This card is the only one having a big spot on its back!

PURE COINCIDENCE (Ulrich Keuler): A selected card appears in the middle of the deck between two other cards!

CHROMATIQUE SPELL (Leslie May): Two sets of cards with colored spots and squares. A spectator picks a spot from one set and you will reveal the selected spot using the other set of cards!

THE POWER OF SEVEN (Arthur Carter): A nice effect using a regular deck of cards. A spectator finds the four Sevens!

THREE COME TOGETHER (Peter Rees): Although the Aces (or any other value) are clearly dealt and separated with other cards, they assemble together. Totally impromptu!

THE TENERIFE DOUBLE DISCOVERY (Melo Dait): Two spectators remove a card each from two packets and it shows that they remove each other's card, although they had no idea of what each choose!

THE SHRINKING QUEEN (D. F. Parker): A Queen placed between two other cards, shrinks to become a miniature card!

VERBO-CHIPS (Arthur Carter): A spectator selects a chip among four and you show that you have predicted the choice. The method reveals a verbal force that it is worth the price of the DVD. It can be done with other different objects!
Vol 7:

SELLOTEST (Rex Taylor): A spectator chooses ANY word from a dictionary and you reveal that word. No questions asked!

A TRIBUTE TO THE CARD STARS (Lewis Ganson): In a beautiful crescendo, you produce the four Queens, the four Kings and finally, the four Aces. A stunning routine!

IMPOSSIBLE COINCIDENCE (Arthur Carter): The deck is shuffled by a spectator who deals four packets of cards. After that, four stunning coincidences are found!

TURN OVER CARDS (Peter Rees): A spectator shuffles cards face up and face down and gives you a packet of cards. You turn over some cards and when the two packets are spread they contain the same amount of face-up cards!

BOLT-HOLE (Ken de Courcy): A Joker is placed inside a card case. A card is selected. Now a great transposition occurs: The Joker appears where the selected card was and the selection appears inside the case!

THIMBLE, CHOPSTICK AND SILK (Michael Symes): A series of three penetrations using the mentioned objects. A thimble penetrates through a silk. Again the thimble penetrates the silk using the chopstick and finally, the chopstick penetrates through the silk!

SWIVELLEROO PLUS (David Britland): A fancy and spectacular way to cut a deck of cards!

PADDLE CIN-CIN (Aldo Colombini): A paddle with a cover. On both sides the cover has a full glass of wine. The paddle is blank on both sides. Suddenly, the glass is empty on both sides. The cover is removed and a face of a drunk appears!

DICE-SIMPHONY (Aldo Colombini): Three dice, green, red and white. The white and the green go into a cup, the red in the pocket. Inverting the cup, the three dice are together. The green and red dice are placed in the cup and the white in the pocket, he reappears with the other but double in size. The green is placed in the pocket and a big green ball with spots appears under the cup!

LOCKED KNOCKOUT (Arthur Setterington): From a packet of cards a spectator picks a card and signs it. The cards have a hole and a padlock is placed through the hole securing all the cards. Yet, the selected card turns and appears face up in the middle!
Vol 8:

ROUTINE FOR FOOL'S MATE (Michael Symes): A different handling for the standard Nick Trost effect. A comedy of errors, with a strong climax!

THE POWER OF FIVE (Arthur Carter): Here is yet another method of discovering a freely selected card. A spectator picks a number and with this in mind you find the selection!

CARD PADDLE TRICK (Someeran): A selected card is revealed using a paddle, first you are apparently wrong where you reveal a 2S and then after a little bit of comedy by-play, you reveal the real card (which is the 4S)!

EASY OIL AND WATER (Aldo Colombini): The red and the Black cards are mixed together yet separate again. The climax comes when it is shown how they can be made to mix!

BLANKO-ACES (John Yeager): The four Aces are removed from the deck. They suddenly become four blank cards and the Aces are discovered reversed in the middle of deck!

THE EVER AMBITIOUS CARD (Bob Gill): A funny version of the Ambitious Card where a card jumps back and forth from top to bottom and from bottom to top and at the end, all the cards (except the ambitious one) turn out to be blank!

AMBITIOUS UPLIFT (Bill Worsley): A nice display of manipulative sleight of hand. The AH, 2H, 3H and 4H perform several stunts throughout the deck!

THE FANTASTIC ACE (Aldo Colombini): The four Aces are removed. A card is selected. The Ace of the same suit turns face down and then it changes to the selected card. The Ace is found face up in the deck!

THE MISSING BROTHER (Keith Downs): A card is chosen. The mate of that card (or the SAME card) appears between two beer mats!

PREDICTION WITH MONEY (Kellini of Norway): You have a prediction in sight. Four envelopes contain different amounts of money and a spectator FREELY selects one. The same amount is contained in the prediction! So simple, but nevertheless stunning!
Vol 9:

LAZY MAN'S AMBITIOUS CARD (Arthur Carter): A spectator picks a card and this selection keeps appearing on the top of the deck. Some clever and original moves are displayed for this classic!

ANOTHER FORECAST (David Britland): A selected card from a red-backed deck, matches a blue-backed card that you show at the beginning of the routine!

TWO OF A KIND (I: Rowland): A spectator cuts the deck himself and finds a card. You have predicted that card with a jumbo card!

FIGURED FIGURES (Someeran): You show some cards with different numbers on both sides printed in red and blue. The spectator can arrange the cards in any way he likes. You divine the correct total of the digits uppermost!

WRONG NUMBER (Someeran): A unique and very entertaining way of revealing three selected cards using three cut-out figures from pieces of paper!

FOUR ACE ASSEMBLY (C. T. Tadman): A jumbo card is shown and placed face down on the table. The four Aces from a deck are caused to pass singly under the Jumbo!

MIRAGE (David Britland): A very entertaining way to reveal a freely selected card with some comedy by-play with the spectator!

COLOR CHOICE (John Yeager): You show a piece of cardboard with three colored circles (say yellow, red and blue). A spectator selects a color and you show by your prediction that you already knew the chosen color. New method!

TRANSPO IN RED AND BLUE (Aldo Colombini): A four-phase routine using four red cards with red backs and four black cards with blue backs. Color separation, follow the leader, oil and water, and more!

PARANORMAL PERCEPTION (Francis Haxton): A stunning way to reveal a selected card. The spectator himself finds it!
Vol 10:

A FOUR ACE TRICK (John Yeager): A very clever and unique four-ace routine!

SEVEN-CARD WILD CARD ROUTINE (Stewart Judah): A great presentation for this classic theme. A very easy handling!

ESP-ECIALLY (Stanton Carlisle): Two sets of ESP cards. Two spectators shuffle the cards and end up selecting the same symbol!

THE SPECTATOR ACES (Alan Shaxon): A spectator cuts a shuffled deck into four piles. On top of each pile an Ace appears!

A TWO DECK TRICK WITH ONE DECK ( I. Rowland): A Do As I Do routine using only one deck. From a shuffled deck you and a spectator pick two mate cards (say the two red Eights)!

THE TWO'S CONVERGE (Herb Runge): You show two decks. A spectator deals a packet of cards into four piles and freely picks the top card of one pile. The other deck is spread and the same card appears face up in the middle!

RED AND BLUE (Kellini): Two decks of cards. A spectator cuts the decks under the cover of a handkerchief and, incredibly, he cuts to two matching cards. Everything can be examined!

SUPREME ASSEMBLY OF THE ACES (Aldo Colombini): Four Aces from a red deck. Twelve cards from a blue deck. One by one the Aces assemble in one packet!

CARDILEMMA (André Roberts and Aldo Colombini): Four Jokers turn into the four Aces. Using the Aces you find a selected card with a further surprise!

SNIPREDICTION (Ken de Courcy): A comedy routine you will use often. A deck is seen to be all 4H. A spectator picks a card but it is the 3H. You reveal your prediction correct with a laugh!
Vol 11:

WILD CROSSES (Fabian-Aldo Colombini): You show six 10D with blue backs and a Joker with a red back marked with large crosses. One by one, all the blue cards become red-backed with big crosses!

DROP CONTRAST (Max Maven): A spectator is able to pick out the one card in the deck which bears a contrasting back design!

THREE'S COMPANY (Eddie Lee): A series of very strong effects (changes and transpositions) with a packet of cards!

MIRROR CARDS (Fabian-Aldo Colombini): Three Jokers take the identity of three selected cards, one after the other, and in the end they vanish. An amazing series of effects tied into a long routine!

TISSUE ISSUE (Ken de Courcy): Three pieces of tissue paper rolled into balls are used. You perform the classic 'two in the hand and one in the pocket' and at the end, the balls are rolled INSIDE each other!

BLANK AND FACES (David Willoughby): Five cards blank on both sides, become printed with regular faces and backs!

RECORD (André Robert): The four Aces are lost in the deck and they disappear. You apparently show all the cards and no Aces. Finally, they reappear face up in the middle of the deck!

LOCKABOUT (Arthur Setterington): A deck of cards with a hole in it (through all the cards). One card is selected and replaced. The deck is secured with a padlock or a ribbon yet the selected card turns face up!

DOUBLE BLANK REVELATION (Eddie Lee): Two cards are selected. You show four double-blank cards and the duplicates of the two selections appear on those cards!

CARDICE (Arthur Setterington): You show three cards with a die on each and place them on the table. Another card with a magic wand is shown and waved over the die-cards. Two cards are now blank and on the third card you have a pile of three dice together!
Vol 12:

TWO TIMES TWO MANY (Herb Rungay): Three red cards and three black cards, but an extra black card continuously appears. Then you remove a black card and a red one and finally, you have six cards: Three red and three black!

BLACK SANDWHICH RED SANDWHICH (Mark Leveridge): A card is placed between two Jacks, disappears and reappears between the other two Jacks!

I OWE YOU 50C! (Ken de Courcy): A dollar (or any bill) is torn in half and restored in the hands of a spectator!

QUARTET (Aldo Colombini): You and a spectator reveal four matching pairs of cards!

JUMPING JOKER SURPRISE (Jomaguy): A selected card is replaced. Four blank cards are shown, they appear to be all Jokers. One changes into the selected card and the others cards are again all blank!

THE CLEVER CARD (Ian Land): You show three blank cards, one of the cards is magically printed with a duplicate of a previously selected card!

MIGRATING ACES (David Davis): A very easy and clever four Ace assembly with a regular deck of cards!

IMPROMPTU GOOF BALL (Harry Carnegie): A routine with a 'sucker' ending for parlor or stage. A white ball changes color to red inside a paper bag. When everyone thinks they know how it is done, the ball changes to green!

BACK ORDERED (Max Maven): Four cards appear to change into four double-backed cards one at a time. The cards are seen to have backs on both sides. Then again, they change into four regular cards!

OUT OF SIGHT (Tom Ogden): Two spectators separate the deck into the four suits without seeing the cards. Stunning!


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