The Note by Docc Hilford
Shocking, amazing, impossible to them. And, oh, so satisfying for you.

This will drive people insane! So fair, but it really makes no sense how it works. Especially when they think about what just happened. Actually, the more they think about it, the more they’re fooled!

Docc said it best: The beauty of this particular trick is that you don't even need to understand how it works to perform it like a pro. It’s the ultimate party mind-reading trick because you can quickly gather people, a few items, and perform an effect that has built-in drama and suspense. And, you can predict ANY outcome. The Note is impromptu, it demonstrates an awesome power, and it plays huge.

Impromptu after one-time setup.
Fools everyone.
Easy enough that you can really focus on your presentation.
Fun to do.
And a great way to engage a small group.

This is classic Docc Hilford. The Note takes a crazy cool method and turns it into a routine suitable for a professional presentation.


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