Music Hour Ace Opener by Toto
This Download is in Japanese Language

都々 2nd DVD
Music Ace Opener
都々’s Barにおけるライブ映像、

Ace opener and music collaboration
Live images in the city 's Bar,
Magician Maya welcomes Mr. Ichiba with a polite commentary.
Why do not you add a burst of laughter to your repertoire?

1) お客さんが適当に4つの山に分けるとトップがすべてエース!
2) 一組のカードを放り投げると一瞬で4枚のエースが出現!
3) 演者がデックを二つに分け、お客さんがさらに2つに分けると…
4) 3分の1を裏返してさらに3分の2を裏返し、
5) お客さんが適当に4つの山に分けるとトップがすべてエース!
6) デックから10枚ぐらい4回に取ってもらうとすべてトップがエース!
7) デックを適当に半分に分けてもらい、両方最後まで配ると…
8) お客さんにシャッフルしてもらった直後、トップにエースが集合!
9) 4枚のキングを1枚ずつ裏返すとすべてエースに!
10) 良くカットしてもらったデックから予言のカードを探すと…
11) ライブ実践編 12)応用編 13)おまけ

Ace opener:
Fore Ace is in a moment from a set of playing cards!
1) When the customer properly divides it into 4 mountains, top is all Ace!
2) When you throw a pair of cards, 4 aces emerge in a blink of an eye!
3) The performer divides the deck into two, and when the customer divides it into two further ...
4) Flip one third and turn another two thirds inside out,
If you stop by distributing one by one ...
5) When the customer properly divides it into 4 mountains, top is all Ace!
6) If you take 10 tickets from the deck 4 times, all tops are Ace!
7) Have the deck split appropriately in half, and distribute it until the end ...
8) Immediately after having customers shuffle, Ace gathers at the top!
9) Turn all the four kings one by one to make it all Ace!
10) When searching for predictive cards from the deck you had well cut ...
11) Live Practice 12) Application 13) Extra


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